Sunday, May 29, 2016

Dear Summer,

Get out your shorts and tank tops, because its finally here! One of my favorite seasons.  I am in love with hot sunny days and long summer nights, blasting the best music with the windows down, taking adventures, longer days, laying by the pool with a lemonade and a good book, fireworks, bbq's,.. whats not to love?   Something about the warm air does wonders for my mood.  Does anyone else feel that way?

I always get a burst of motivation at the beginning of summer. I want it to be the best and most memorable one yet.  I make lists of all the things I want to do.  And what a wonderful start I've had! It started with an Ellie Goulding concert, which made me realize I actually really, really, like her.  I have read my favorite start-the-summer book, which I will review soon. My cousin was married yesterday, it was such a beautiful wedding (I only cried 3 times don't worry), and I am so excited to see where life takes the two of them next.  I have started nannying again, which is always a joy. Our "Bachelorette parties" have started again. Last summer a group of us always got together on Monday's to watch The Bachelorette together, so of course we have to do that again! There are lots of other things that I am looking forward to this summer as well, and I cannot wait to share my experiences!

I am looking to do a lot with my blog this summer as well, so stay tuned!

Have a fantastic week, and get your summer on!!

Yours Truly,
Pantless Sunday's

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Dear Writer's Block,

This week has been a little rough for me in deciding what it is I want to write about.  I have a long list of topics I want to cover at some point, but none of them were interesting to me this week.  At first I thought it was just a mild case of writer's block, but then I realized really its life block. So this is for anyone suffering from a lack of motivation.  Sometimes we find ourselves stuck in a rut, and its really difficult to escape.  I would say that's a pretty fair way to describe my week.  My bedroom, still drowning in half-unpacked boxes, would agree.  I just can't get myself to do anything about it, so I have located myself on the couch instead.  And I am finding it very hard to leave.

So how should we start? I think the most important effective way to find motivation to do life is to just do something.  Anything.  Tuesday night, for example, I went to a concert with one of  my best friends.  I finally felt summer starting to kick in.  It gave me a little spark to do something productive. Another night, I went to a friends house just to catch up (mostly with his mom lol), but it made me feel a little better. Sometimes you just need to get out of the house.  Go run an errand, go for a walk, catch up with an old friend, do something. 

Kind of along the same line, I think it is important to be around people.  Trust me, I can be the anti-social queen when I want to be.  Socializing is a lot of work for me, but I think it can be really beneficial at times. When I'm cooped up on the couch in an empty house and have no reason to do anything, I don't leave the couch.  But if I know I'm going to see people, it gives me the motivation to actually get up and shower and make myself presentable.  I also find that getting up off the couch and showering gives me motivation to knock out another extra task before I leave the house.  Bonus!

Finally, remember to take things one step at a time.  Sometimes we shut down because the task at hand (my bedroom for example) is seemingly endless.  It is too much to accomplish, so we avoid it altogether.  Just take it one step at a time, and eventually you will get it done.  It is okay to spend a day on the couch, but maybe not an entire week.  Laziness has to come in moderation.    

Always remember, whether its a writer's block or in my case a "life block," you will get through this. You can do anything you put your mind to.  Get up, get out, and take things one step at a time.  For more tips to getting out of a slump check out 8 Ways to Bounce Back!

"What you do today can improve all your tomorrows" -Anonymous

Have a fantastic week, and to all you slackers... just get off the couch :)

Yours Truly,
Pantless Sunday's

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Dear Yocum 217,

I'm sitting in a room full of boxes, wondering where the time has gone.  I am one final exam away from loading up the car and heading home for the summer.  Has it really been nine months already? I vividly remember move-in day last August; the chaos, the people, the tears, the excitement.  And now here I am.  Everything in between is a blur.

Freshman year has been by far one of the most influential of my life.  I have learned so much about myself and about the world.  It has definitely been a journey.  One that has beaten me down at times, but one that I will cherish forever.  So I dedicate this post to the one thing that has remained constant throughout this roller coaster of a year, and that is my home away from home.

My roomie and I originally wanted to live in the building right next to ours, but the only floor available was the ninth (that would have been tragic), so we settled for the next best, Yocum 217. Little did we know at that time it was exactly where we were meant to be.

So thank you, Yocum 217, for letting me decorate your walls with pictures, curtains, and lights to liven you up a bit.

Thank you for being close enough to the bathroom that I can walk to and from comfortably in my towel.

Thank you for introducing me to, and only being 5 doors down from my college BFF.  Experiencing my first year here with her has been a blessing.

Thank you for hosting sleepovers, and for allowing room for your beds to be shared, and your floors to be slept on.

Thank you for Rachel, the world's best RA.

Thank you for the many nights of Grey's Anatomy, Friday Night Lights, and Gilmore Girls.

Thank you for your perfect location.  The dining hall, gym, and all my classes are within a bearable distance.

Thank you for only making me walk up one flight of stairs, because I really hate elevators.

Thank you for putting me in a bed less than 5 feet away from my bestie, so I can talk to her whenever I want.  (Unless she has her headphones in)

Thank you for being a place to cry on my bad days, although I prefer the shower, you are the next best.

Thank you for your incredible view.  From rolling hills, to the perfect sunsets, to the red stadium sky, there's never a dull moment outside that window.

And thank you for being my perfect home away from home.

A dorm room tends to be one of the most dreaded things of freshman year, but I would disagree.  It may appear to be the smallest, white-walled, prison-looking space in the entire world, but for the past nine months it has been home.  And a great one at that.  So here's to Yocum 217, even though your wifi sucked, thank you for the memories.

Yours Truly,
Pantless Sunday's

(This is Abby and I on our first and last day in our room) 

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Dear Mom,

According to the dictionary, a mother is "a woman in relation to a child or children to whom she has given birth," but to me, she is so much more.  A mother is a teacher, supporter, role model, and best friend, just to name a few.  My mother is so much more to me than she will ever realize.  She is my everything.

A mother is a teacher. From first steps, to potty training, first words, riding a bike, driving a car, etc. You name it, momma's there.  My mom taught me how to do laundry, and how to cook. She taught me how to shave my legs, and what kind of products to use on my face. She taught me everything. Even after I moved out, she hasn't stopped teaching. A few weeks ago, my sister asked my mom how she ever survived before google.  My mom responded, "I called my mom."  And I think, even after google haha, those four words could not be more true. I call my mom for everything.  How do I wash these grapes? How much medicine can I take at a time? Can I dry this shirt with the elephants on it? How long is my almond milk really good for? Let's face it.  Mom's know everything.  On top of all these practical skills, my mom taught me about friendship.  She taught me to put others before myself.  She taught me how to love, and how to find joy in life.  I have now been through fourteen years of school, and no one has taught me anything near what my mother has.  She is the ultimate teacher.

A mother is a supporter.  I am a timid girl. I always have been.  But my mother has been so patient with me, and so supportive of my every move.  When I was in 4th grade, I hosted a dance camp for the girls in my neighborhood for the entire summer in my garage.  Never once did my mom tell me not to do this, in fact, she helped me put on the "recital" at the end.  I did this for three years.  Mom always pushes me to try new things, to step outside my comfort zone, and to be my best self.  I am a dancer, and my mom has been putting up with that since I was 3 years old.  Every recital, every competition, every convention, every bill. Mom was there gluing on eyelashes, safety pinning costumes, keeping me hydrated, calming the nerves, etc.  When I got into high school, nothing changed.  Mom has always been supportive of my new friendships and the new people in my life. She has supported my choice of major, and spent many college visits helping me choose the perfect school to pursue it.  And when I wanted to start this blog? She supported that too.  My mom always reminds me to dream big.  She is my number one fan, and supports me with her whole heart.

A mother is a role model.  My mom is such an inspiration.  I cannot imagine giving anyone the incredible life that she has given to my sister and I on her own.  My mom works so hard to make sure that my sister and I get nothing but the best.  She has sacrificed so much for us.  And what gets me the most? She does it with a smile on her face.  Sure, not everyday is rainbows and sunshine, but it isn't for anyone.  Mom always walks through the door and greets the puppies with her silly little puppy voice, and then takes time to ask us each about our days.  She is genuinely interested in our lives, and she likes to hear our stories.  About a week ago I was having a lot of doubts thinking about the future, and I asked my mom if she was really happy, and of course she said yes.  Even through everything she puts up with, my mom is genuinely happy.  She has such a big heart, and is so caring.  It is really motivating to have such a hard-working, optimistic momma.  I hope to one day be half the mother she is to me.  She is my role model.

A mother is a Best Friend.  Even through everything else, my mom is my best friend.  We talk every Sunday so I can fill her in on my week.  I tell her everything.  She knows all about the party I went to last night, who my friends are dating, which professors are the worst, etc.  I call her when I walk home from studio if I'm feeling lonely and need someone to talk to.  We go to movies together, or dinner, or shopping.  She listens really well, and she enjoys it (or at least she'd good at pretending). Mom is full of wisdom.  She doesn't judge my mistakes, and she always has advice to get me through. I would not be the young woman I am today without her by my side.  

"The more I grow, the more I realize that my mom is the best friend that I ever had."

Happy Mother's Day, words can not begin to express how thankful we are for our loving momma's. I love mine sooooooooooooooooooooooo much :)  You make life so much more enjoyable.

Yours Truly,
Pantless Sunday's    

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Dear Big Accomplishment,

Life is full of accomplishments.  Big and small. Every morning you get out of bed and you've accomplished the task of getting out of bed. Good job, you go!! This week, though, I accomplished something a little bigger than that, and I have decided to share my story with you today.

As many of you know, I am an interior design major.  This past Wednesday was our final review. Long story short, this is a very big deal. This is the day when 9 months of incredibly hard work either super pays off, or super does not. This is the day where one by one we stand up and present our final project to a panel of critics that know absolutely nothing about us or our previous work.  If that doesn't sound terrifying, you probably aren't picturing it right ;) On top of that, I am HORRIBLE at public speaking.  I absolutely hate everything about it.  I get so nervous, my voice shakes, I stumble over my words, its just the worst! Anyways, after two months of designing, redesigning, modeling, drawing, and repeating the whole process, the day I'd been dreading finally arrived.

I set my alarm that morning only giving me enough time to get ready and get out the door, because I did not want to have to sit around and think about it.  Luckily, I got an early time to present.  I got ready, went to studio, watched the first review, and began to pin up my work.  Next thing I knew they were turning panels and I was in front of everyone presenting my project as if I had done it a thousand times.  Confidence came from nowhere and was pouring out of me.  Not only did one of my best friends sitting in the back row drop her jaw, one of the critics actually spent time complementing my words, telling me I had a skill that I needed to hang onto.  I was so incredibly happy.  They liked my project and they liked the way I presented it.  I did not see that one coming.

The feeling afterwards was incredible.  The high stayed with me the rest of the day and through the night, and it is just indescribable.  Now, I'm sure not every review will go quite as smoothly, and that is absolutely okay.  I will always have this one under my belt and know that I can do it.  That I did do it.  This is a day that I absolutely dreaded since August, I had even contemplated my choice of major at one point purely because I hate public speaking.  So I am telling you today, that it really does take just a few seconds of insane courage.  This is definitely one of my biggest accomplishments, something I never imagined in a thousand years going in the direction that it did.  Always face your fears head on, because you might just kick them in the ass.

"Every Great Achievement was once considered impossible

Have a wonderful week you confident human.

Yours Truly,
Pantless Sunday's